Tuesday, 3 February 2015

New Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham - Spamalot - 02.02.15 - 07.02.15

The New Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham

Monty Python’s

What a night! Spamalot is a whirlwind of silliness and delight.

It tells the tale of King Arthur and his Knight of the round table in the only way Monty Python knows how to do it - with style, daft 1 liners and comical songs.

The set was simple but extremely effective with great use of bright colours. The angles made it look like a pop up greetings card and it could be used for the whole performance without any lengthy scene changes.

Joe Pasquale was a fun King Arthur with all the bounciness and jollity that this show needs. 

Sarah Earnshaw as The Lady of the Lake was outstanding. Her voice was clear, crisp and powerful. Her facial expressions and gestures gave some great moments within the action of the performance. One of my favourite songs has to be ‘The Diva’s Lament’ and the divarish behaviour was wonderfully executed.

I saw Todd Carty as Patsy at the Alexandra Theatre back in 2012 and yet again he gave a great performance as King Arthurs, horse trotting, luggage carrying companion. His rendition of 'Always look on the Bright Side of Life' was lovely.

There was not a weak link within the cast and the pace was fast and furious which a comedy needs. You could really see that the cast were having just as much fun on stage as we were in the audience with little asides out to us and making each other laugh on stage.

Have you ever seen a killer white rabbit? Well if not you will during this performance as the Enchanter 'Tim' introduces us to it - this fluffy little thing becomes a blood thirsty killer and beheads a knight - be very afraid of your fluffy white balls of joy in future!!!!!

Christopher Luscombe directed the show with vibrancy and fluidity which enabled the audience to bounce from one joke to another with ease and joy.

We had audience participation in the search for the Holy Grail and with a rendition of ‘Always Look on the Bright Side of Life’ at the end. 

At the end of the show we were informed that Spamalot always supports a local charity and that this year it was Acorns. What a wonderful thing to do. Apparently they have raised over sixty thousand so far for charity.

You leave the theatre with a wonderful feel good feeling, a spring in your step and a huge smile on your face.

The performance runs at the Alexandra Theatre until Saturday 7th February 2015.

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